It all started with an invitation by my 23 Things-buddy via Google, asking me to add to a document she created online. This email was sent to my hermes account and when I tried to acces Google docs it
(1) would not let me access Google when I used my hermes account details,
(2) would not let me access the document when I logged in using my Google account details.
The problem was solved when my buddy sent the invitation to my Google email address. Apparently, the service is difficult (if not impossible) to use for those without Google accounts.
Once this problem was overcome everything went rather smoothly. The document contained a list of suggestions for moving houses - highly relevant given that I have just moved houses and am still in the process of unpacking boxes. Accordingly, I added a list of suggestions for the unpacking process to the document and even adding a picture was no problem at all.
In fact, Google docs is very useful for sharing documents. I used it before with colleagues when we were organising a conference. We saved and updated documents and spreadsheets on Google docs for all of us to work with and in the end, saved all important documents, feedback and suggestions on the conference-Google-account for those who organised the conference the following year. Friends have also used spreadsheets on Google docs as an alternative to Doodle as users can add some more information and it is easier to edit. So overall, a very useful 'Thing' indeed.
I'm impressed by the number of uses for Google Docs that you list in your post. It sounds a brilliant way to organise a conference or event - something I will keep in mind for the future!