Friday 9 July 2010

Even more things

Part 2 of catching up. This time it's "Thing 11" Slideshare. I have been using Slideshare for some time to make my presentations accessible to student and colleagues. I particularly like the possibility of obtaining a "secret" web address for a presentation that you wouldn't want the whole world to see. I tried this option after a preliminary version of one of my presentations received more than 30 hits in just under 20 hours. It is also a great way of sharing documents (such as articles) and is a good alternative to hosting everything on your own website.

Linked to the library's website it can provide access to relevant presentations for library users and other librarians. Today I found quite a few interesting and library-related presentations on Slideshare, some of which relate to our UL. There don't seem to be any easily identifyable Cambridge college library presentations though.

I will definitely continue using Slideshare as I think it is a most useful service. We should make more use of it and promote its use to others.

Moving on to "Thing 12"; it's Delicious. Never used it before but heard about it. At first, the main page seems a bit random and cluttered with too much information. Looking at one specific collection seems a bit more focused but at the same time I think it would be easier to use if the interface was better organised. I tried to create an account which apparently only works with a yahoo account. I don't have one and don't want one which is why my Delicious experience stops here. I see that it can be useful as a shareable bookmark archive. At the same time I think that a well maintained blog or website can serve the same purpose.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I found having to sign up to Yahoo a stumbling block here too! I don't want a Yahoo account either...However, I was impressed by Stanford's Green Library page and I enjoyed browsing Emma's knitting pattern bookmarks (well, it is Friday afternoon!).
